As usual, Pedrini Spa has again taken the initiative to develop the multiwire for marble and has succesfully put it into operation.
To be able to fullfil all the necessities of the customers, Pedrini has designed this machine in a wide range of types capable of running with 32, 40, 64 and 72 wires and with diamond wire diameter of 7,3 mm, 6,3 mm and 5,3 mm.
Multiwire machines for marble have some significant advantages compared to classical marble gangsaws. We try to point out some important ones:
-The production capacity of marble multiwires is very high. A multiwire with 64 wires can cut appr. 9-10 marble blocks in 24 hours, while a 80 blades gangsaw can cut appr. 2-3 blocks. This practically means that such a multiwire is equivalent to aprox. 4 gangsaws. This automatically reduces also the manpower necessary and decreases the cost of the cut.
-The high execution speed of the block cutting cycle makes convenient the operation even with a multiwire with 32 wires which has a production capacity of 4-6 blocks in 24 hours, equivalent to 4 gangsaws 40 blades or 2 gangsaws 80 blades.
-Multiwire needs a much simpler foundation and even suggested to be installed in open area. This is also a big advantage for factories with limited covered areas.
-The hardness of the marble block is an important coefficient while cutting it in gangsaws. Even some very hard stones in Mohs scale like “Aegean Bordoeaux” are almost impossible to be cut and not economic. Whereas, this is not a problem for multiwire. It can cut easily any type of hard marble.
-The cutting principal of multiwire is much more suitable for cutting small blocks compared to cutting them in gangsaws. In gangsaws the downfeed does not change too much while cutting a block of 2,50 mt or of 3,10 mts in length of the same material. So hourly production for small blocks is much less than for big blocks. Whereas, in multiwire, regardless of the length of the block, every single wire cuts 2,50 – 3,00 sqmt/hour.
-While cutting with marble gangsaws, due to the reciprocating motion, the blades have impact on the stone. For this reason, in rather cracked blocks it can be a must to apply wrapping to the blocks. While cutting with multiwire there is no impact on the stone by the wire because the motion is uniform. Therefore, it is secure to cut blocks with cracks.
-In multiwire you can cut slabs of 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 cm thickness. The modular bands on the driving group have grooves which permit to quickly position the wires at the proper distance according to the slabs thickness you intend to produce. This quick operation can be completed within 60 minutes in multiwire, while such an operation in the gangsaw can take 4-8 hours. This difference of operational speed provides a considerable flexibility for multiwire. An operator who is obliged to cut several different thicknesses of slab from the same material can complete the job in a few hours, whereas it would normally take several days with the marble gangsaw.
-It is not necessary to stop the cutting cycle in the multiwire for bracing of the block, whereas this is a regular operation in gangsaws. This necessity is provided by the supports on the edge of the trolley and the automatic wedges that enter the slot of the cut. So, there are no blade marks as in the gangsaw as the result of stops. Besides the surface of the cut of the slab is much more smooth with the multiwire. As a result, if the slab is going to be resinated the consumption of the resin decreases and the speed of polishing increases, which brings a considerable cost reduction.
-As mentioned above 7,3 mm, 6,3 mm and 5,3 mm diameter wires can be used. The recent developments in 5,3 mm wires created important advantages during the cut. For example, comparing 5,3 mm wires with 7,3 mm wires:
6 % increase of the block yield
20 % electric consumption reduction
27 % sludge reduction.
-A factory that has a marble multiwire can easily cut granite if a suitable type of diamond wire is assembled in the machine. This opportunity will inevitably result in drastic revolutionary changes in the plannings of the new factories in the coming years. By all means, the factories will not be desiged as only marble factories, but “ stone factories” that can also cut any type of hard stone due to their common production machineries. This reality will widen the product range of the companies and provide enormous flexibility in marketing.
-It has got an automation suitable for Industry 4.0 which is the next standard in industrial production and can send production data as input for enterprise resource planning softwares