Occupational health and safety is a priority approach in the marble cutting and polishing sector as it is for every worker. Businesses operating in this efficiency must take various measures to protect the health of their employees and provide a safe working environment. In our interview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Engin Özdemir, who stands out with his valuable opinions and experiences on this subject, we discussed how marble cutting and polishing processes are handled in terms of occupational health and safety. Here are valuable explanations from Özdemir’s perspective on this important issue in the sector…
Could you briefly tell our readers about yourself and your professional background?
After completing my undergraduate and graduate education in the Department of Mining Engineering at İnönü University, I was awarded the title of associate professor in Mining Engineering by ÜAK in 2023. After working as a research assistant in the field of Mining Engineering for 8 years, I am currently the Head of the Department of Property Protection and Security at Malatya Vocational School and continue to train students in the Occupational Health and Safety program. So far, I have published in a total of 18 international journals, 8 of which are SCI indexed journals, 22 papers presented in international symposiums and full text published, 2 international book chapters, and I have taken part in a total of 8 different scientific research projects, 3 of which I am the executive director.
What are the most important risks for occupational health and safety in marble cutting and polishing plants and what can be done to reduce these risks?
The most important risks for occupational health and safety in marble cutting and polishing plants can be categorized in 5 classes:
- Noise
The ST or Catrak cutting machines used in marble factories create high noise. This noise causes hearing loss for workers and makes them unable to notify each other in case of emergencies. To minimize these risks, factories can take the following measures:
– Separate the cutting areas and cover the walls with sound-absorbing insulators.
– Providing employees with PPE if the noise value cannot be reduced.
– Providing each worker with special personal buttons that they can use in an emergency.
Taking these measures will increase the occupational safety and health of employees.
- Dust
Dust is generated during the cutting of marble blocks. This dust can damage the respiratory tract of workers. Effective air extraction and dust removal systems should be installed in the workplace to prevent dust generation. Workers should be provided with dust masks or respiratory protection. Wet cutting prevents the spread of dust. Workers should be trained on the dangers of dust and methods of protection.
- Electricity
Managing electrical risks is important. Workers should be trained on electrical hazards. Emphasize how to use electrical equipment and situations that should be avoided. Work should not be carried out with broken or worn electrical cables. It is important that electrical equipment is insulated. Insulated coverings should be used to prevent direct contact with workers. Hazardous areas, electrical panels and equipment should be appropriately marked. Safe electrical work procedures should be established and workers should be trained to follow these procedures.
- Thermal Comfort
To ensure the thermal comfort of workers in marble factories, attention should be paid to the following:
– Good air circulation and ventilation system.
– High humidity control.
– Clothing suitable for the temperature conditions of the workers.
– Adopting a customized approach, taking into account the conditions of the workplace and the needs of the workers.
– Careful planning of lighting parameters.
– Employee comfort can both increase productivity and is important for occupational health and safety.
- Maintenance and Repair of Machines
Regular maintenance and repair of marble cutting machines is important for the efficiency of the enterprise, occupational safety and equipment life. Due to the heavy tonnage of marble blocks, workers have lost limbs in work accidents in the past. These incidents usually occur during the transportation of marble blocks with the help of cranes. Therefore, the cranes used in the factory should be maintained on time and broken or worn ropes should be replaced immediately. In addition, the transportation of cut marble pieces is carried out by forklift trucks. Due to malfunctions in forklift trucks, it is possible for heavy tonnage marble crates to tip over on the workers. In order to prevent this, the forklift truck should be maintained on time and replaced with a new one if necessary.
Taking these measures will help prevent occupational accidents and ensure the occupational safety of employees.
What is the level of awareness of employees on occupational health and safety and what is the level of awareness?
Occupational health and safety is a critical issue for the health and lives of workers. Employers can do the following to increase employees’ awareness of occupational health and safety:
Train employees on occupational health and safety.
Continuously review and improve their occupational health and safety policies.
Encourage employees to share their views on occupational health and safety.
Reward employees who comply with occupational health and safety rules.
Distribute brochures, posters and videos on occupational health and safety in workplaces.
Managers and senior employees motivate other employees by demonstrating exemplary behavior in complying with occupational health and safety rules.
Establish worker representatives or occupational health and safety committees in workplaces.
Is legislation on occupational health and safety adequate?
Occupational health and safety legislation is a set of legal regulations established to protect the health and safety of workers and to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases. The adequacy of legislation depends on many factors and is a dynamic issue that needs to be constantly updated.
When assessing the adequacy of legislation, the following questions should be answered:
Is it comprehensive?
Is it up-to-date?
Is it applicable?
How is worker and employer participation?
In conclusion, the adequacy of occupational health and safety legislation may vary according to country conditions, business areas and current needs. Continuous review, updating and effective implementation of legislation is important for the prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
Occupational health and safety legislation is an important tool for the prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases. The adequacy of legislation is crucial for the prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
What are your recommendations on occupational health and safety?
Occupational health and safety is both a legal and ethical responsibility. It is in the interest of both workers and employers to ensure a healthy and safe working environment at workplaces. Safety culture is the set of safety-related attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors and practices of the individuals of an organization or community. Safety culture reflects the way an organization or community embraces safety and behaves in relation to safety. Creating a safety culture is not limited to taking technical measures. It also focuses on how people approach and act on safety issues. It is important to eliminate negative safety culture in workplaces and build a positive safety culture in its place.
Do you have any future developments or projects planned for occupational health and safety?
This is actually a very good question. So far, I have published many publications related to Mining Engineering and I am still continuing these studies. However, I am aware that I have not yet reached the point I want regarding OHS and I have been preparing the infrastructure for the last year. For this purpose, I have established an OHS laboratory for use in both mining and various industrial areas. Here, I have established a laboratory with devices that can measure noise, vibration, brightness, thermal comfort, dust, high and low electromagnetic waves and have been approved by TÜRKAK. It would be appropriate to express this step as just the first step. Because my main goal is not only to be a scientist who takes measurements and interprets them, but also to carry out projects that will prevent or minimize accidents related to OHS, especially in mining. Especially a project related to Grizu Explosions, which is one of the leading mining accidents in our country, is my main goal. It is necessary to implement a comprehensive OHS program to prevent or minimize the risk of Grizu Explosions. I can say that this program should include all mine workers and should be continuously updated to ensure safe working conditions.