Business Type: Wholesaler, Exporter, Factory
Country: Turkey
Home » Suppliers » KARTAL MARBLE
Contact Person: OZLEM KADIZ
Job Title: Sales Manager

Company Info:

Main Products:
slabtilescrema novarosaliadiana royalemperador darktundra greytravertinelimestoneblack marble
white marblerosso levantosofita
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Date Established: 4 February 1984
Company Address: 1.OSB. 4.CAD.NO.4
Company E-Mail: Send E-Mail
Contact Phone: +902282160236
Fax: +902282160238
Company Introduction:


Kartal  Marble  Natural  Stones  is  a  marble  manufacturer  export  and  trading  company,  located  in Bilecik TURKEY, produces marble slabs 2cm, 3cm and cut to sizes 1st quality materials.Turkey  has  a  great  reserve  of  natural  stones  and  KARTAL  MARBLE  NATURAL  STONES  has  a  big  role on introducing Turkish natural stones to the world.We,  Kartal  Marble  Natural  Stones,  are  one  of  the  honorable,reliable  and  oldest  manufacturer  and exporter  company  in  Turkey  with  more  than  60  years  experience.  Our  aim  is  to  serve  best  quality Turkish natural stones to all over the world.We  are  engaged  in  the  difficult  but  gratifying  business  of  collecting  marble  from  nature  and offering it for the service of modern-day life.We  labour  on  natural  stones  with  love  of  stone  to  create  visual  and  permanent  works.  We  do  it  in an unbroken chain of production entirely within our own facilities.With  the  help  of  our  young,  dynamic,  experienced  and  expert  staff,  we  progress  with  strong  and stable steps in sector.


Kartal  Marble  factory  has  founded  closed  to  our  quarry  in  Bilecik  in  1998  on  total  20.000m2  area including  4.500m2  closed  production  area  and  a  management  building.    In  production,  using  Italian and Turkish latest technology machines help us produce quality products and service.


We  have  a  big  range  of  marble  &  natural  stones  products  color  scala.  Please  ask  for  more  colors  so we can go for more

Number of Employees: 5 ~ 25

Supplier Natural Stone Products

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